Sadie Hawkins makes return to Klein High School


For the first time in years, the Sadie Hawkins dance will make its return to Klein High Feb. 21

Student Council (StuCo) is organizing the dance, where the roles get reversed and the girls ask the guys.

“It’s been too long since we’ve had a dance like this at Klein High. Besides that, with the feminism movement being so relevant, StuCo thought it would be a good time to bring back the Sadie Hawkins,” said senior vice president Morgan Funk.

StuCo sponsor Dena Marlar agreed with Funk, and said she hopes that everyone will enjoy the casual dance.

“It should be a fun dance, something that everyone can look forward to,” she said.

Although, the girls may not have the experience asking the guys, many are looking forward to the challenge.

“I’m excited that girls get to ask the guys out for once, but girls don’t have as much experience asking guys out, so it can make it really hard to ask a guy to the dance,” said freshman Chandler Terfflinger.

Sophomore Dominic Meyers said he will now understand how it feels when girls wait for the guy to ask them.

“It’s such a weird thing to just hope that the girl you like will ask you to the dance with her. I never realized this is what girls feel like when they hope the guy they like asks them to a dance,” he said.

Some guys however, said they will welcome the change.

“I’m just glad girls get the chance to ask a guy out,” says junior Brian Smithson. “It’s a nice change because we shouldn’t have to have a special dance for girls to ask guys out, but I’m glad we did. I just wonder if the girls are going to pay for the tickets like the guys normally do.”

Tickets will go on sale Feb.17 and cost $10.