Dress-Up days announced


Friday, October 10th: “Old Folks” Freaky Friday

From canes to bald caps, students should don senior citizen clothes.

Monday, October 13th: No special day since it’s a school holiday.

Tuesday, October 14th: Texan Tuesday

Hook ’em spurs and gig ’em boots: dress in red, white, blue, bandanas, and other Western/Texan fashion staples.

Wednesday, October 15th: Hawaiian Wednesday

Lei out the surfboards, floral shirts, and tropical accessories, and ride out the middle of the week in style.

Thursday, October 16th: Think Like a Star Thursday

This functions similar to Character Day. Dress like a celebrity or character, and shine bright like the Hollywood spotlights.

Friday, October 17th: Spirit Day

In preparation for Homecoming and the Homecoming game, express the blues and the golds of school spirit.