New Volleyball Coach Comes to Klein


A new change came to the volleyball team this year, with new coach, Kate Zora. She moved to Houston to be closer to her family, but ended up leaving her last team who made it to the final four of the playoffs.

Now coming to Klein, Zora said she sees great potential in the school’s volleyball team and wants to focus on maintaining the chemistry between the team.  She said the varsity team last year went to the third round of the playoffs and Zora’s goal is to maintain the winning streak.

“In high school my team made it to the playoffs every year,” Zora said “In college I played a year at TCU then A&M.”

No stranger to volleyball, Coach Zora has played on the highest level. She brings division 1 playing experience to the team. She has racked up 10 years of coaching experience that she will bring to Klein High to improve the program.

“I’ve coached a year in College Station then nine years in Austin,” Zora said “Right now we are working on team work, unity, and everyone clicking on the right cylinders.”

Zora’s main priority   this year is to improve the Bearkat’s volleyball team by getting them to work together more, and trying to unite the team.

“I feel like we have a lot of talent, we have a lot of new girls on the team and we need to make sure that we learn to play well together,” Zora said.

Zora said her first impression of the team was a talented group of girls who will learn to come together if they want to reach their goal of making it to state. Coming together means they will have to keep their chemistry high, she said.

“I think it has a great potential to be there,” Zora said. “We have two freshmen and a few sophomores on varsity this year and they all get significant playing time. So adding them in more of a major role makes things kind of tricky. So right now we’re just trying to find ways to play together and to mesh different playing styles.”

With five out of the 15 players on the team being seniors, this young team has a lot of potential for growth and to improve the morale. With the young talent combined with the skill of the upperclassmen we can expect big things from this team led by their new coach who is going to instill her winning tradition into the team.

“I’m really looking forward to this year,” Zora said.