HOSA students lend a helping hand


In September, HOSA students volunteered at the Houston Diabetes Walk, where they had helped an attendee complete the walk, who seemed to be struggling to finish.

“When I saw Pam approaching our water station, I was very worried,” HOSA teacher, Kristen Haggard said. “She looked like she was having a really hard time and I wasn’t sure if she was going to make it. Before I could motion for the paramedics to come over and help, the HOSA students ran to her with a chair and water.”

All of the students were eager to help the participant finish the walk.

“When I first saw her I was a little worried because she looked like she was in the back and struggling, so we all helped her and asked her how she was doing,” sophomore, Jackie Guo said. “We walked with her and so we were able to safely get her back to the finish line.”

Some students even had a change in perspective.

“It made me feel really helpful because I went to the walk to get community service hours and then when I went I realized how much it affects another person affected by diabetes so they made me feel like I wanted to go to more walks more often to help people, not just to get community service hours,” sophomore, Sabah Shaikh said.

At the end of the walk the attendee, Pam, was very thankful for the HOSA members to help her out.

“She was really emotional, she thanked us a bunch of times, and she started crying,” sophomore, Macie Harper said.

Some of the HOSA members got very emotional and felt humble after Pam had thanked them.

“She felt really touched and she started crying and I was close to crying too because it’s really nice to have people supporting you,” Guo said. “She was doing it alone for her husband and it was really touching and she touched all of our lives too.”

Afterward, Haggard said she was very pleased with the HOSA kids.

“I was so proud of the students for recognizing that Pam needed help and being so proactive to sprint to her. They let her rest for a little while and then walked on each side of her to the water station where she sat for a while and told me ‘these girls really saved my life,’” Haggard said. “After taking a few pictures with Pam, at her request, the students asked if they could accompany Pam to the finish line.  I have never been so proud of a group of students. They were her cheerleaders all the way to the end of the walk.”