Klein Reformats Open House

Food trucks, organizations present in new Community Night

October 10, 2017


On Tuesday September 12, the Klein High community came together for an evening full of food, fun, family, and friends for a newly formatted Open House, called Community Night.

When first entering the building, students and parents got to listen to Klein’s orchestra play several songs that they had been practicing.  Families got to go outside and eat meals from some well-known food trucks before meeting their student’s teachers.  After feasting on snow cones and tacos, parents got to go to each classroom at their own pace.  This allowed the teachers to have abundantly less pressure to prepare a lecture about the class in a certain amount of time, since instead they got to personally meet each parent and overall this created a more stress-free, relaxed environment for everyone.  Parents also got to walk around the cafeteria and main hallway to get information about the vast collection of clubs and activities that are offered to students.

“It was a very relaxed atmosphere that made it an enjoyable night for parents as well as teachers. I thought community night was much more of a positive atmosphere to represent Klein High,” assistant principal Blake Muskiet said.

Previous years at Klein High, Community Night was called Open House and it was a little different.  Each family would follow their student’s schedule and had a certain amount of time per class to hear the teacher talk about the class.  When the bell rang, parents would rush to the next class and try to get there on time.  Although this still accomplished the main goal of parents getting to meet teachers, this was a little bit too stressful on both the teacher’s and parent’s side.

“I liked how it was more unstructured from a parent’s perspective; how they could prioritize how they spend their time,” said assistant principal Jason Ovalle.  Klein’s slight adjustment to the structure of Open House this year was a massive success that resulted in a much more efficient evening according to the teachers, staff, and parents at Klein High.

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