Sophomore Football Player is Recognized for Hardwork and Exhibiting the Klein 5 Values


Besides being called an outstanding student by his teachers, sophomore, Gabriel Cossey, is a starter on the varsity offensive line and received first team all-district. Cossey was nominated for student spotlight by Football coach Brandon Denson.

“Gabriel is a great kid.  He’s a hard worker in the classroom and on the football field,” said Denson.

Cossey is no beginner when it comes to football.

“I started football when I was about three or four years old,” Cossey said. “[Football] is great; it brightens up my day.  What I love about it is being with my buddies every single day and working in the off-season to get better.  What keeps me motivated is the man right next to me, cause we’re offensive-line; we have to work five guys in one line. I have to work at my full potential for him.”

One could imagine that having such an important position as a sophomore would bring additional pressure.

 “It’s crazy [being a sophomore on the varsity offensive line] because there are guys my age that are not on varsity; you know you really got to be outstanding and got to be a role model for everybody else,” Cossey said.

Cossey is one of the few sophomores on the varsity offensive line.

“That’s a lot of weight on his shoulders and he handles it very well,” Denson said. “He leads by example; he’s a hard worker.  I expect great things from him next year.  He’s gonna be a great lineman for us and a great student for us and he’s got a really bright future.”