Pena Signs Letter of Intent


Coach Marcus Thigpen nominated senior Lance Pena for student spotlight.  Pena plays football and baseball. He is also involved in FCA, NHS, and SNHS.  He recently signed his National Letter of Intent for Texas A&M Commerce.

“He’s a great student and a hardworking athlete,” Marcus Thigpen said.

After his career in college, Pena hopes to get a Masters Degree in the engineering field.

“I’m going to go to college to play football which is something I’ve been dreaming about since I was a little kid,” Pena said, “I’m going to be majoring in electrical engineering.”

Pena has been playing tackle football since he was eight and flag football since he was seven.

“[Football] is something that I love; I love doing it everyday,” said Pena.  “It’s kind of shaped who I am because I think it teaches you a lot, not only on the field, but off the field, about yourself.”

According to him, if he didn’t have football, academics would be number 1 for Pena. He also thinks his relationship with the Lord would continue to be a priority as well as his relationship with his family. One of Pena’s most prominent role models is his dad.

“He’s gone through a lot and how he handles that as he got older is something that I look up to,” Pena said.

Pena noted that he finds Klein to be a big family.

“I have friends that go to other schools and I get to see a little bit of what they experience and its not quite like what we have here, so I really cherish that,” Pena said.

One of Pena’s proudest moments was signing the National Letter of Intent to play football in college.

“That’s been a dream of mine and I’m pretty blessed to have the opportunity to play at the next level,” Pena said.

Pena thinks that the way he was raised is a crucial part of his motivation.

“The determining factors that my parents always tell me [is what keeps me motivated,]” said Pena,  “I just want to be successful, I think everybody does, it’s the base of my motivation.”