End of the Road for Klein ISD’s Legendary Larry Whitehead

More stories from Sara Golchin


Larry Whitehead, formerly the principal of Klein High for many years, and  current the Deputy Superintendent of Klein ISD, has made the decision to retire and spend more time with his family.

“I’m going to be spending time with my grandson and following the Astros on some road trips,” Whitehead said.

Whitehead loved many things about Klein, but his favorite was the spirit that was demonstrated around the school.

“The school spirit that exists around Klein High School is incredible,” Whitehead said, “I’ve had other principals ask me, “What do you do to get so much school spirit?” I just tell them it’s a part of the traditions that are on this campus and it’s wonderful.”

Since his promotion to Deputy Superintendent, Whitehead was relocated to the districts central office.

“I miss the day to day interaction that I used to have with students and staff,” Whitehead said. “Being over at the central office, that is something that I miss already.”

Subjecting students to disciplinary actions has been Whitehead’s least favorite thing about being in the educational field.

“When a student gets into trouble about something; it’s not a good situation, and then having to deal with their discipline is something that I will not miss,” Whitehead said.

Whitehead developed many good qualities from his many years of interaction with a variety of people.

“I have developed more patience,” Whitehead said, “People have been very very kind to me. The more that I’ve dealt with people the more hopefully I’ve become patient and a better listener. I like to listen to people rather than talking so much.”

Of all the memories he has experienced, his favorite occurred at the demolition of the original KHS building.

“One thing I will really remember, and I will never forget is when we were going through the demolition of the main building, the old KHS, and we were selling bricks,” Whitehead said, “We had a lot of student volunteers to help us that day, and we had so many people that came up and wanted to have a brick from the old building. That was a very special day to see everyone care so much about what they had experienced at Klein High School.”

Whitehead has been and will continue to be dearly missed throughout the district after his retirement.

“Enjoy the moment, because it’s fleeting,” Whitehead said, “It goes by in a hurry and there’s so much to enjoy particularly about being at Klein High School. Love every minute of it, because I know I’m going to miss it a great deal.”