National School Of Character

Photo courtesy of Klein ISD

Klein High School is named one of the 10 high schools in the nation as a National School of Character


After choosing from a pool of renowned schools around the world, awarded Klein High School the title of National School of Character. The award marks the end of a long path for the school that began in January, when it was named a Texas State School of Character.

“I was in my office when I got the call the day before it was announced,” Principal Jessica Haddox said. “I was surprised and kind of in shock but couldn’t say anything until it was announced.”

The announcement, much to the mercy of Haddox, took place May 3 and officially established Klein High School as a School of Character. Many students were happy to hear the news, as they believe that their school deserved the award.

Junior Allyson Harris believes that Klein deserves the award because of the accepting environment of the school.

“We are very understanding towards others,” Harris said. “We don’t really judge others and their situations.”

Senior Maddie Beckstead thinks that the school’s activities set them apart from the crowd.

“We have a lot of cool organizations and clubs,” Beckstead said. “You can be involved in literally any club. Like Flat Earth Club for example, people think it’s silly, but they’re not gonna make fun of you for being a part of that club.”

While the school has reached its goal of being named a national school of character, the journey is not over yet. All National Schools of Character must re-apply for the position once every three years, and it must be determined that the school still maintains the characteristics of a National School of Character.

“Character education is like climbing a mountain with no top,” Haddox said. “So even though we got National School of Character the journey is still there. It’s just about taking life lessons and applying them to the core values.”