General Info
The Bearchat is the official news publication of Klein High School. The opinions expressed on this website are the opinions of the staff and in no way reflect the adviser, school, faculty, or administrative beliefs. We try our very best to keep this site secure but there are elements outside of our control. Those will be fixed as soon as possible, when and if they occur. The Bearchat sells advertisements as a way to fund this website, and any printed issues. Some stories may take longer to be updated as they must be approved by an assistant principal before being published. The Bearchat is planned, designed and created by students.
Our mission is to expand our audience by using our writing skills to provide current and accurate information about events and things going on in our school and at times our community. Since students are our primary audience we also strive to include our opinions about issues that concern our student body, in order to show them a peer’s point of view.
For any questions, comments or concerns please contact:
Sarah Simmons – Editor-in-Chief
Clarissa Sommerfeldt- Junior Editor