80 Years of Fashion and Music at Klein


       From the plain A-line skirts of the 30s, utility clothes of the 40s, bobby socks of the 50s, rainbow-shift dresses of the 60s, bell-bottom pants of the 70s, leg warmers of the 80s, grunge of the 90s, and cargo pants of the 2000s, Klein has had a very vibrant history in fashion, but one thing that has never gone out of style is good ol’ classic blue and gold.  Past students remember singing along to Elvis songs in the diner, listening to The Beatles on their cassette tapes, watching Michael Jackson’s Thriller music video, rockin out to Pearl Jam, and dancing to Britney Spears. The hallways of Klein have echoed many different genres of music throughout the years.  Although many things have changed some things are the same as when they first started.

         For example, assistant principal, Alicia Eichhorn, who graduated from Klein in 1989, said, “student council, class officers, theater, sports, student government and yearbook have all consistently been very popular throughout the years.” She also said that spirit wear, concert T-shirts, and being a fan of the Astros also has seemed to stay in style. Other people who attended Klein High in the 90s said that most students had perms in their hair. Z-cavariches, Girlbaud jeans, turtlenecks, acid washed jeans and crop tops were all very common.  Another thing that has changed over the 80 years is the use of technology and the benefits and sacrifices that come with it.

         “Fashion-wise, I feel like more people wore clothes that covered up the majority of their bodies; that is a big difference,” said Ryan Hennessey, who graduated from Klein in the late 90s. “There was a lot of plaid and baggy clothes. In terms of music, grunge was very popular, as were boy bands.  Some things that are always going to be classic are Justin Timberlake, who was in ‘Nsync, so is Beyonce. As they have evolved as artist they are still relevant today.”   Reflecting on the past 80 years of Klein High school, many bold  and unique trends have graced the halls.