Best Buddies Presents Third Annual Variety Show
The Best Buddies organization put on a Variety Show starring the developmental students to showcase their talents and allow them to have a designated night onstage to enjoy.
“The best thing I like about Best Buddies is I have a buddy who helps me. We do activities, and it’s fun,” junior Logan Shedda said.
Along with that, general education students are grateful to be in a club that allows them to maintain a close friendship by becoming a best buddy with another student.
“You can really see the impact that you have on the kids in the Special Ed. Program, and in turn with that you can really feel the impact that they have on you,” junior Anna Rapp said.
This is a program that gives the developmental students the opportunity to be involved with another student who typically wouldn’t be able to socialize and spend time with them if it wasn’t for Best Buddies.
“Our students don’t have a chance to be able to go out and do things with their friends like typical students do on the weekends or at night, so having this program that matches them up with a peer buddy is just a great way to experience a typical high school life,” Special Ed. teacher, Eli Boben said.
The variety show, also referred to as “The Greatest Show on Earth” is meant to showcase the talents of the students in special needs and let them each perform their very own act of their choice, Boben said.
“These kids are really amazing and they can do everything and more that the kids in a traditional setting can do, so it’s an eye-opening experience in addition to a really entertaining fun show,” Rapp said.
This is a one of a kind show. It only takes place once a year, which makes it very notable.
“It’s a very unique show, it’s something different that people don’t see all of the time. There are so many programs that Klein puts on, but this one is just extra special because it has our special education students in it and lets them be the star of the show,” Boben said.
The show warmed the hearts of the audience members and left everyone with a smile on their face.
“The show was great; all of the kids were so talented and happy to be on stage. It was just fun to watch; I’m really glad I went,” audience member, Josh Bernard said.