Klein Puts New Handbook Changes in Place


Over the summer, new handbook changes were put into place.Colorful hair, phones in the halls, and facial hair were now allowed during the school year. There have been differing thoughts on these changes.


“I think it’s really cool because it’s a lot more comfortable, students don’t feel judged by what they’re doing in the hallways, what they wear, or what they look like. They can just be themselves and express themselves,” senior Matt Hinson said.

Of course, like with most things, the change that allows students to have cell phones in the hallways poses an important question. Is it safe?


“I do think it’s dangerous because of the noise cancellation headphones, I think if there were a dangerous situation, there would be kids who didn’t know because they wouldn’t be able to hear you say that there is a shooter in the building or that there’s a fire. That part is detrimental I think,” AP english teacher Leslie Vela said.


However when asked about this safety issue, one student had this to say.


“At times it can be (a problem). If you have your headphones in and the volumes all the way up, you can’t necessarily hear if something were to happen, but at the same time you do have your eyes. It can go both ways,” Hinson said.


Carrying on the more relaxed theme of these handbook changes, the allowing of facial hair seems to be a burden off of some students shoulders.


“As a person who can grow it, I like it (the rule change) because it’s not as much of a pain to shave it every morning,” senior Ryan Reeves said.


Not everybody has such positive thoughts on it. Some people, but mostly teachers find that facial hair can be a problem when it comes to identifying students.   


“Facial hair was the one thing that would help you discern if somebody was here that didn’t belong, but now everyone kind of looks the same and so that’s not my favorite thing, ” Vela said.


“I think it is good that students are allowed to express themselves in that fashion and that it reduces the stress that can come with enforcing dress code policies, however it makes it difficult for students, teachers, and administrators to identify who is a student and who is an adult that may or may not have business on campus”  criminal justice teacher Kira Hassler-Newson said.


Even some students are against it.


“I think it’s wrong, who knows what they could be hiding in there,” an anonymous student said.


As for the colored hair, most students see it as a way to express themselves. However it is seen as untraditional and is still not allowed in most schools in fear that it could be a distraction for students and teachers in a learning environment.


“It’s just more relaxed, and everyone can be who they wanna be,” Reeves said.


“I don’t like it, it’s just too extra.” senior Dylan York said.