Klein ISD Has Winter Break 2.0


Klein ISD students were delighted when a basic three day weekend turned into a full five days off of school. An ice storm following Martin Luther King Jr. Day resulted in the district officials canceling school for a few days.


“We started off 2018 with a winter break 2.0. I wonder if we’re getting a spring break 2.0 too,” junior Brian Villamar said.


The days off were definitely appreciated by the hardworking students who got to relax during the short break.


“It was so cold outside! Definitely nice to just stay home and watch movies,” Villamar said.  


The students were happy and worry free, even though those two days off will cause for a lot of work to be made up.


“I am not too concerned about the work. I know I’ll have plenty of time to get caught up,” senior Mustafa Mohiuddin said.


Some teachers benefited from the break, also. With these extra days off, teachers had a chance to relax as well.


“After celebrating my 47th birthday on January 14, I thoroughly enjoyed having a 5 day weekend, which extended the celebration,” English teacher Mindy Seawright said.


Whereas, some teachers were worried about the missing work that was going to have to be made up.


“The extra days off disrupted my lesson plans. I teach a class called AP Seminar and the work is very time sensitive, so my students had to keep working even though they were not at school. My dual credit classes also had to keep up with their work over the days off.  Luckily we have Remind and Schoology,” English teacher Dawn Sharpeta-Black said.


Regardless, everyone appreciates not having to drive on the icy roads. The reason for the days off was the condition of the roads.


“I am glad school was cancelled and students were able to stay safe and off of the roads—and get their homework finished,” Black said.