Video games affect teens’ daily life


Believe it or not, video games have been around since the late-1970s with the release of the Atari. Since then, gaming has changed from limited graphics and sound to video and interactive gameplay. Various technological changes throughout generations have helped to create video games that look so realistic. For many people, they act as a second world for all ages to escape to. However, because of these acquired new features, concerns arise regarding the effect of video games on teens in the learning environment and with study habits, as well as how teens make time for these eye-catching inventions.

“I think that games can affect studying habits if you allow them to,” said English teacher Jessica Bolner. “It is the student’s fault, not the games fault, if study time is mismanaged.”

Adults contend that video games are very addicting and that they distract students from school work and grades. People playing games during school or while they should be studying tend to lose track of time and get lost in the world of gaming. Video games can also affect one’s personality. Due to the recent school violence in America, including the Sandy Hook Elementary School or Columbine High School incidents, many argue that video games or television inspired these acts. However, some say otherwise.

”I don’t think games have the ability to affect or choose your personality or decisions,’’ said sophomore Aaron Grace. “You choose who you are by the decisions you make, so playing the game every now and then is a good choice so you won’t get too attached to games altogether.”

Gaming, to a certain extent, may affect one in a negative way, but it depends on the games one plays. For example, “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2” has a very graphic end game where players have to execute an enemy very gruesomely. Parents say that it too much for their teens to look upon in excitement and adrenaline.

Games of these tendencies, such as first person shooters and fighting games, are rated “M” for mature because of violence and other reasons pertaining to the nature or genre. These ratings come from the E.S.R.B (entertainment software rating board). Some parents believe that these games can have a great effect on mood, aggression and personality. Parents who have these beliefs won’t let their teens play them or limit play for an extended period of time. Yet some parents don’t mind and let their teens play any rated game if they believe that they can separate games from reality.

“I am allowed to play any rated video game,” said sophomore Natalie Hawkins. ” My parents don’t mind. The things you see in video games don’t happen in real life.”

Some individuals separate work from play when it come to school and grades.

“I play 15 hours of video games a week, but my video gaming doesn’t affect me negatively if it pertains to school, grades and personality,” said sophomore Brandon Reyna. “Video games are not as important as school work, and I think they don’t affect much in my life.”