New clubs make debut


With over 90 clubs to join, students gained access to practice guitar, criminal justice, and crochet this school year.  

For the musically talented, or those simply interested in learning how to play guitar, Señor Wilshire and junior President Sebastian Martin invited students to learn chords, sight-read, and play songs by a variety of artists.

Inspired by his grandpa, Martin said he began playing guitar at 7-years-old and has been hooked on it ever since.

“My grandpa won over my grandma by playing guitar for her and Myles Kennedy, my idol is just amazing,” Martin said.

After Martin noticed there were no clubs or electives dedicated to learning or playing guitar at school, Señor Wilshire decided to appoint him to start guitar club together.  

“We are trying to get Mrs. Haddox to allow the club to perform during school lunches next semester,” Martin said. “I’m trying to pursue a career in music by singing and playing guitar, and doing this will give me a jumpstart.”

This years Criminal Justice Club adhered to future police officers, FBI agents, attorneys, and many more job options in this field of study.

In the future, junior member Nathan Le said he wants to become a criminal litigator in order to help defend those in criminal matters.

“I don’t necessarily want to be a criminal justice lawyer, but I am interested in pursuing law to protect the rights of people and this is the only law club available at Klein,” Nathan Le said.

Sponsor, Suzanne DePedro started the Crochet Club, where students learned to crochet patterns into their own creations.

Senior, Sarah Atkinson said she joined to be able to spend time with her friends and start a new hobby.

“Crochet Club adds variety and interest to Klein High, plus the people are very passionate,” Sarah Atkinson said. “It’s a very relaxed space in Mrs. DePedro’s T-building where we can talk, be ourselves, and learn how to crochet,” Atkinson said.