Is it all about the love?

Students are divided on the importance of Valentine’s day

Bearchat Staff

Candy is often a choice of gifts for Valentine’s Day.


Valentine’s day is the one day a year dedicated to showing friends and partner how much they mean to you. On Feb. 14 candy hearts, Valentines’ cards, and teddy bears take over and the day after the leftovers are on sale for half the cost.

Some students put lots of thought into planning the perfect day and others truly couldn’t care less. For sophomore Mason Atkinson Valentine’s Day is a waste of money and pointless. He believes people do it just to follow a stereotype.

“Buying a teddy bear or chocolates doesn’t show you care about someone,” Atkinson said. “It shows you want to be just like everyone else and spend money to show affection when that’s not even what you should really do. I don’t take part in school activities for Valentines’ Day. I find it pointless.”

Even though it is nationally celebrated for some in the name of Saint Valentine, and for others a day of love, many consider it a scam created by companies to get more money.

“I don’t care about Valentine’s Day,” Atkinson said. “It was literally a day created for card companies to make more profit. It’s a meaningless holiday because it’s supposed to promote love and affection, but you should show the people in your life you love them every single day, not just Valentine’s Day.”

Not everyone has to spend crazy amounts of money for Valentine’s Day. Senior Lorielle Rosalez adds Valentine’s Day to her anniversary for a night of hanging out and eating.

“This year is the second year me and Jesus can’t do anything on actual Valentines’ Day, but the day after is our anniversary so we mesh the two,” Rosalez said. “We are going to go to the drive in and get take out, just like last year. We don’t do anything too special, just cuddle and eat our favorite junk food while watching a movie.”

The day of love is not important, but it makes people feel special and is celebrated as a way to show just how much you love someone. The holiday is also perceived as an extra holiday for women because they are usually the main receivers of gifts.

“I don’t think Valentine’s Day is necessarily important, in fact a lot of people think it’s a scam to make people feel like they have to go out and spend money on their significant others, but I’d say it’s important to me,” Rosalez said. “It’s an extra holiday for women, like I’ll get Jesus some chocolates, but its really the guys responsibility to make their other feel super special and loved a little extra on this day. I call it my second birthday.”

The day of love is a day to show extra public displays of affection but not everyone likes to do that. The school’s prices are a little excessive and some students would prefer not to pay for it.

“I don’t do school activities because my boyfriend graduated, but I also like to keep all the lovey dovey stuff private,” Rosalez said. “I’m a person who doesn’t like PDA. Also, they ask $2 for one rose when I can get 24 for $15.”

Regardless of how the holiday is portrayed, it will always be a day to show a little extra love to the special people in your life.

“I don’t think it’s just for people in relationships, its more towards that but people also give their moms, grandmas, and friends just to show their love and appreciation too,” Rosalez said. “It’s an overall love day.”