Drum Line Performs their Best Show Yet


The drumline took a more classical approach to their recent performance last month. The group orchestrated themselves in different sections throughout the entire show, giving the audience a new perspective on their talent and team work. The show consisted mainly of percussion providing the show with different pieces and time for solos.

Although the drum line is usually separated into two sections (pit and battery), they conjoined into one unified group for the show.

“For the drum show it’s every percussion imaginable,” senior Sierra Garland said. “We have some really nice sounding ensembles that are cool and fun and then we have some chaotic pieces that show the full spectrum of what percussion is.”

In spite of the show itself, several steps were taken in order to properly prepare.

“In class we all rehearsed our solo and ensembles for two months leading up to it,” Garland said. “The day before we had a full-dress rehearsal where we ran the entire program to make sure it was all good,”

Not only did they practice during school but made an extra effort to perfect all pieces.

“We get pulled for Bearkat Den and after school rehearsals are all a pretty good part in preparing for the ensemble,” Junior captain of the tenor line Jayden Hepworth said. “For solos it’s individual work so you have to find countless hours of your own time to prepare.”

This show differs from their usual style allowing the inclusion of more solos and an ending finale.

“It was more classical,” Hepworth said. “It wasn’t as pep and hype as our other stuff, so this show was more of a concert.”

Regardless of the drum lines’ approach to the show, most saw it as an eventful and memorable night.

“I think it was successful,” Garland said. “We played all of our pieces really well and the audience seemed pleased, which was really awesome.”