College applications demand decisions among seniors

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As application deadlines for many universities approach seniors, they have begun to make decisions as to what they would like to do after graduation. For many, that decision can be found in attending college, a choice which can be deceptively simple. As many students have found, the choices which inherently accompany college applications are both extremely complex and life-altering by definition.

“I’ve applied to UT, TCU, and Florida State. I plan to major in economics and then go on to become a talent agent for either musicians or athletes,” said senior Chase Jones. “Both of those careers seem really fun, and I’m working now to make sure that I get to where I want to be.”

Though a majority of students aren’t yet sure which college they would like to attend next year, many have one or two choices which are of top priority to them. This can become an extremely stressful situation for those students, especially considering that, in many cases, they won’t receive an admissions decision for several months.

“I’ve already applied to Alvin Ailey through their junior program,” said junior Devin Jones. “Because I’m only a junior, it will be a while before I hear back from them, which is pretty stressful.”

Despite how students may feel about their favorite universities, the monetary aid offered to them by other schools will likely play a large part in their post-graduation decisions. Many students feel that they would have to give up going to a college that they love if given the opportunity to ease the blow of massive amounts of college debt in the distant future.

“I have specific colleges that I want to go to, but that doesn’t really matter if I can’t get scholarships,” said senior Mathew Feely. “I don’t want to have a lot of student debt, so I’m just trying to keep college as cheap as possible.”

All of these things considered, the following months will likely be encompassed by a whirlwind of emotion as students are accepted and rejected from university. However, they will have the honor of being asked – perhaps for the first time in their lives – to make a decision about their future. Students will be given the opportunity to stand on their own as adults, effectively signaling their transition away from childhood and the security of high school to adulthood.

“I’m really looking forward to graduating and leaving this school,” said senior Forrest Davis. “For the first time ever, my day-to-day life won’t be tracked by Big Brother up in Washington D.C.”