So You Want to Be a Bearkat?

Staff offers tips, tricks to new students


The standleaders celebrate after a Bearkat touchdown!


Contrary to the cliches presented in the media, entering high school doesn’t have to be the daunting task it is made out to be, according to teachers. Many common issues can be fixed with simple solutions.
Extracurricular activities are a formative part of the high school experience, and Klein High has an extensive selection of clubs, organizations, sports, and associations. As a brand new freshman, so many options are overwhelming – but don’t overthink them. The extracurriculars students join don’t have to define them as a person, they’re just opportunities to make friends, do what they love, and have fun! A list of extracurriculars and contact information are available on the Klein High website under the athletics and activities page.
“[Clubs help with] making new memories and forging new friendships, all while learning new concepts and forming strong character,” Essadiki said.
Not every student learns the same way, and not every teacher’s teaching style works well with every learning style. This is precisely why there are numerous different ways to learn and platforms to help. Paper and pencil, typed out notes, or even finding videos on the internet after class can all be there to help students learn the class material. Individuals simply need to find what works for them.
“Students need to identify their best learning platform and create social studying networks with fellow classmates,” Karen Velez, Pharmacy Technician Instructor, said.
Even with all these platforms, studying alone can be a drag sometimes, but finding people to study with will help this problem right away. So get to know people and find ways to make your classes enjoyable. If a student really can’t stand their class, they can email a counselor to talk through coping strategies or about making a schedule change. Creating relationships within classes will make the year survivable, maybe even pleasant, if done right.
“I love my students. They are my extended family: We laugh, we learn, we fail, we learn from our failures, and we succeed together,” Essadiki said.
Meeting new teachers is, without a doubt, a horrifying experience, but even higher on that list is the first mistake made with them. Whether it is turning in an assignment a day late, failing a quiz or simply missing a day, it can feel like the end of the world anticipating the teacher’s reaction. An easy way to avoid this anxiety is to just let the teachers know. Teachers want their students to succeed, and clear communication makes that much easier.
“I’ve never known a teacher to give a 0 for work that’s turned in,” Bridget Leabo, athletic trainer, said.
If a student faces issues this year, they should seek out support from fellow students, alumni, teachers and counselors. They never know, this could be their best year yet.
“The worst thing students can do is not try,” Velez said.