A Brief Look into Klein Family Serves


Klein High School is looking for volunteers willing to take part in Klein Family Serves, a districtwide day of service that will take place on March 28th, 2020, from 7:30am-12:00pm.

“Every student at Klein High should sign up to participate in Klein serves,” Klein Family Serves Sponsor, Kristen Haggard said. “It is a great opportunity to give back to our community and we will have a wide variety of options for you to choose from so that you will be able to volunteer doing something that you are interested in.”

What once started as a service project specifically for Klein High School students has developed into an opportunity for all of Klein ISD to participate.

“Since our Freshman year, Ayisat, Shymaa, Nadia and I have been active volunteers in our community through HOSA,” former student and co-creator of Klein Serves Andy Deguzman said. “As seniors, we wanted to share that experience with everyone, so we made it a goal to open doors of opportunity for others.”

Each of the five high schools in the Klein district will serve as a “family hub”, run by student coordinators and a “hub leader”, who will organize transportation to different service project locations throughout the community.

“We started preparing in October and so far we’ve collected a committee,” senior student hub leader, Grace Judice said. “That committee will be in charge of coordinating a volunteer opportunity for any participating club.

Every High School will also focus on assisting with service projects that benefit their feeder schools, intermediate and elementary alike.

“We’re working on coordinating with the elementary schools and the intermediate schools to make sure that everyone in the Klein Family Hub has something to do on the day of service.” Judice said.

The student coordinators of Klein High School have been working on this project since the beginning of the school year and are encouraging students with a passion to serve to sign up to volunteer.

“We hope that high school students that participate continue to want to go out and serve even more, not just a single day,” junior student hub leader, Carla Lujan said. “We want this experience to expose them to the diverse and special community that has given so much to us. We want to give back.”

Volunteers do not just have to be students, but members of the community looking to help serve are welcome to sign up as well.

“Klein Family Serves gives everyone in the district an opportunity to serve their community,” Judice said. “I think that’s really important.”

Anyone interested in volunteering for Klein Family serves must sign up under the google form link on Schoology or the Klein Family Serves website by February 18th, otherwise they will not be able to participate on the day of the event.

“We will begin to create SignUp Geniuses a few weeks after the sign-up form closes,” Judice said. “Based on who signs up and when they sign up, they will have an opportunity to pick where they serve.”

The coordinators of Klein Family Serves are looking for as many volunteers as possible and encourage everyone to participate.

“The logistics and planning involved is incredible and this day will be one that will go down in history as the best day ever in Klein ISD,” Haggard said. “There is no greater feeling than volunteering and giving your time to others. I cannot wait to see all of the students, faculty, staff and parents in the district out together as a whole to give back to our amazing Klein community.”