Klein should consider Green Chords


Colleges have a certain amount of space and if you want to get accepted into a great one you have to get ahead of all the other seniors in the race. Yet it can be hard to find items to put in your article when your school doesn’t offer an international award called Green Chords. I believe Klein ISD should adopt the Green Chord community service award program.

The Green Chord award is an award you can put on a college application and it is presented at your graduation ceremony. The award is given to recognize the achievement of 100 hours of service in your community. For example, volunteering at a local animal shelter, Foodbank, church, or nonprofit organization.

This award is an excellent opportunity to get Bearkats to help with some of the struggle in our community in a positive way. It is never too late to start this award in high school you can start as a freshman or senior and the entry cost is very minimal. The cost to join is $15 and the cord itself is $8 which could be paid by the students or the school.

If we were to adopt this program the spirit of our local schools could change. Adopting this program could help those who are currently doing plenty of service hours get recognized publically.

With the new high school being built and opening next year, we could use this opportunity as a test run for the program. With optimism of it succeeding within the first year and if we get a lot of participation we could pass the program to the rest of Klein Independent School District.

So in conclusion this award could help many of Klein High’s students. I believe the school board should do the students a favor by adopting the Green Chord community service award.