Band Members Mark Territory in State of Texas




The Klein band program begins in the month of August right before school starts but that’s not the case for many of the members. Their music never ends, they excel above the rest, and they achieve greatness with their musical career by entering the area and state competitions.

“I entered the state competition by a long and challenging process” senior John Roehrig said “I started back in August with the music and worked on it through January which led me to area competition.”

“I have practiced for seven months working on the same three pieces I practice at least two hours every day,” senior Rebecca Morris said.

Many members of the band are veterans to this experience.

“No, this my second time,” senior Rebecca Morris said, “but I have been to area four times.”

But they can’t make it to state without the help of their directors and others

“I have received a lot of support from my directors, parents, family members and friends,” senior John Roehrig said. “Most of my motivation came from the payoff of being in the all-state band. It’s a once in a lifetime musical experience.”

Even though not every member can make it into the state band these student make a huge contribution to keep the students in touch with growing as a musicians and reach a peak of success.

“The whole band program benefits from their success,” band director Bryan Towner said. “They leave a lasting impression that carries over from year to year even after they leave. People remember them and try to work just as hard as they did or better.”

The directors have a huge role in the state and area competitions with helping the students.

“I heard them on many after school listening’s,” Towner said. “I also coordinate the private lesson staff so that they have the best teachers giving them the best information possible so they can make it into the state band. “It makes me feel proud that I can help someone achieve their dreams. It is all about helping the students succeed and become something great.”

The three directors, who helped these students enter the competitions and succeeded in placing John Roehrig in the fifth chair and placing Rebecca Morris in one of the top places for the French horn are David Gresens, Chris Lambrecht, and Bryan Towner.

“It is an honor to be considered one of the top french horn players in the state of Texas,” Morris said.