Kats attend state meet

Photo Courtesy of Patricia Holloway

From left to right- Junior Chris Paul, junior Nabeel Jawad, senior Kaija Clinton, and junior Riquanda Walker at DECA’s state competition. “I felt great knowing that my hard efforts paid off and am now able to challenge myself,” said Jawad.


After months of preparation and hard work, DECA Kats were able to attend state competition in March.
Held in Corpus Christi, students got the opportunity to compete against dozens of other high schools in the area.

Competitors enjoyed their stay in Corpus Christi and the excitement of entering a competitive environment.

“The whole experience was great,” said DECA sponsor Patricia Holloway. “All of the students worked their best. The area was really nice since it was only a walking distance to the bay front.”

“This is my first year in DECA and going to state in Corpus Christi was a memorable experience,” said junior Nikita Gambhir. “Through DECA, I am gaining an interest in the business field by participating in the competition. I hope next year’s competition will be just as great.”

Other students have had previous experience competing in state. They wanted to challenge themselves again.

“I’ve been in DECA for 3 years and it’s been a wonderful experience,” said senior historian Kat Tran. “Competing with other schools really teaches you about leadership, patience and teamwork. DECA should be a part of everyone’s high school career, even if they don’t plan on majoring in business.”