Fashion Students Head to FIDM


As the first semester is coming to end, seniors are getting prepared to apply to universities that they can attend next fall. As for these fashion students, they are heading off to FIDM with a scholarship in hand and countless opportunities to pursue.

“The FIDM Fashion Club is a fashion club for the fashion students to have more time outside of class to work on projects or learn new skills and learn more about the fashion industry,” senior and President of FIDM Fashion Club, Susan Brown said.

As this club is coming to a start, the sponsor and the students already have goals they want to accomplish within the club.

“We want the students  to have fun and learn more about the fashion industry” senior and Co-President of FIDM Fashion Club,  Alyssa Chavez said.

In this club, students are helping their peers grow and learn more about fashion.

“The advanced fashion students are going to  work with the Fashion 1 students, to help them with their skills, to improve their  skills, and to improve their projects,” Sponsor Marie Villa said.

By being a part of club, the students are also learning new things that can help them in the future whether they choose to have a career in fashion or not.

“You can advance yourself, sewing-wise, and even if you don’t do fashion, you still use it to fix things, your pants and buttons, You also learn how to be with people and communicate with people and how the industry works.” Brown said