Student Entrepreneurs Create Path to Success

Cooking in Style, written by Kamryn Johnson.

“Cooking in Style”, written by Kamryn Johnson.


  Every generation has its dreamers and its doers, the ones who follow a commercial path and those who grab life by the neck and carve their own. Finances aside, these doers have more than dreams, they have action. These young entrepreneurs of Klein High have already started digging into their potential and have taken advantage of the resources around them to begin what most would call a pathway towards success. 


  “I run a thrifting business called Thrifting Through Texas on instagram (@ThriftingThroughTexas)”…I purchase mass amounts of clothes, I take them home, I wash them, some of them I upcycle and add stuff to make it fit more to what’s in style”  senior Olivia Simpson said. “And then I put it back online.”


  Many students claim that entrepreneurship has never been easier due to the ever growing technologies that pave new doors for wide range communication and promotion. Young students with a passion for anything can make it happen in this new industrial wave of social media and constant marketing.


  “Usually people contact me through instagram and they tell me what they want and the prices change depending on the kind of drawing they ask for,” Klein sophomore Kylie Young said. “And I draw it for them.”


  Regardless of age, however, making these first bols steps to entrepreneurship isn’t always easy and these students don’t expect a big financial benefit at first. 


  “You know, there really isn’t that big of a financial benefit” Simpson said, “It’s more because I enjoy doing it so much.”


  As a high school online retailer Simpson  Simpson goes through the work of buying clothes, upscaling, and promoting her product on social media with the sole motivation being a dream and a drive to do it. Many entrepreneurs begin with something they love to do and they claim that’s the reason their business has a chance to become more successful.   


  “I love fashion myself so I wanted to make it myself and make it like good quality and a good price” Freshman, Kamryn Johnson said about her own fashion line. “Something that’s luxurious and affordable.”


  Sophomore Kylie Young enjoys her small business regardless of the lack of a huge profit at the moment due to her passion for art and sharing that art with the people around her.


   “I just love drawing,” Young said, “and seeing people happy about my drawings is overwhelming but it’s great.”


  Social media is only one factor of the new technologies to aid this generation of young 

entrepreneurs. Computer programs such as Photoshop and other editing softwares have come in handy for students like Kamyn Johnson who personally published a cookbook with her best friend in the seventh grade.


  “So I did write a cookbook with my friend and I called it Cooking In Style.” Johnson said. “We both love to cook so we just said let’s make a cookbook and that’s what we did.”


  For these students, their journey through business and entrepreneurship began as a passion followed by an idea, They continue to have future plans for themselves as their small businesses take off.


“We’re looking into starting subscription boxes,” Sipmson said about her future plans. “ If I could open my own boutique, I would do it in a heartbeat and it would be Thrifting Through Texas.”


  These students have proved that their hard work and drive have put their passion into the works for something bigger and at such a young age they continue to overcome the fear of failure by going against the odds and following their individual dream.


  “Yeah, I think I would consider myself an entrepreneur,” Simpson said, “I just thought I’d seize any opportunity I  have and yeah I guess that makes me an entrepreneur.”