Student population increase prompts change


As students begin to perfect their day-to-day routines within the newly renovated Klein High School, it has become apparent to many that there is an increased number of students whom inhabit the halls this school year.  From the newly introduced six minute passing period to the navigation of the cafeteria, the introduction of even more students to the already high population has left many students wary of moving around the school throughout the day.

“The number of students in the hallways make it obvious that we have more students than last year” said senior Andrew Huang.  “I’m not sure why they didn’t make the hallways larger.”

Though the number of students has increased from last year’s population of 3,635 students, this year’s total population is only beginning to approach 3,900 students. This has not stopped students from sharing their opinions about the six minute passing period, however, which was introduced by the Klein District as construction within Klein High began to come to a close.

“The hallways are too small for so many students to get through them and make it to class in six minutes,” said senior Andrew Le.

The frustration of students does not end in the hallways. The lines within the lunchroom have been noted by many students as being worse than in previous years. For the first time in many years, Klein High introduced a fourth lunch period. The longer lines can be attributed to the increase in the student population, though it must be noted that the cafeteria also introduced new food-line designs and a completely different physical format. Both may also contribute to the overall wait time for students.

“The cafeteria seems a little bit over packed,” said senior John Rashal. “It takes longer than it should to get through the lines.”

The cause of the growth in student population is attributed to an abnormally large incoming freshman class paired with an equally large sophomore class. Additionally, as the communities which route students through the Klein District continue to grow, so too will the future student populations of Klein schools according to Leslie Castellanos of the counselor’s office.

Many teachers and administrators are sure, however, that student-jams within the hallways and cafeteria will ease along with the confusion that inherently accompanies a new school year. Principal Larry Whitehead confirmed this within the discipline meeting for seniors, during which he stated that he expects movement throughout the school to ease as students begin to familiarize themselves with the school itself and adjust to the new passing periods, though not everyone is as confident.

“Well the population is just gonna keep growing so I’m sure it will continue to be a problem,” said Castellanos.