Terror In France To Become New Beginning


 Thousands of men and women marched through the streets of Paris on Saturday, January 13th in protest of the terrorist attacks which ultimately left 17 people dead. As the violence ends, world leaders as well as millions around the globe are left standing in defiance of terror and in hope that this may be a new beginning for both tolerance and the human rights which are widely regarded as being universal.

“These attacks demonstrated the worst that humanity has to offer, basically, and I hope that people don’t use these attacks to justify censorship of the press or religious discrimination” said senior Andrew Huang.

In response to this apparent attack on journalism and freedom of speech, more than 40 world leaders gathered at the front of the march in Paris and locked arms in a show of solidarity and courage as those around them declared “Je Suis Charlie”, which translates to “I am Charlie.” The march in its entirety rallied an immense amount of awareness in regard to the dangers of journalism and an outpouring of support for the victims and their families seemed to ensure that acts such as these will instill hope rather than fear into the hearts and minds of those affected by them.

“I don’t think the citizens of Paris or any other victims of terrorism will give up anytime soon. Those in Paris specifically seem to already be rebuilding and have been showing support for freedom of speech; they’ve all been really courageous.” said senior Alex Turkal.

It is not just freedom of the press which is being fought for by protesters, however, as a culture of xenophobia and racism is also being criticized by the citizens of Paris. For years, innocent men and women from Paris’s Muslim community have been discriminated against and attacked simply for practicing their religion, in a type of hatred that has largely not been seen since shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Instead of allowing the terror in Paris to continue on into further violence and anger, protestors and world leaders hope to begin a movement of tolerance, and have dedicated themselves to the protection of human rights. That, through the sacrifice of 17 men and women, the lives and freedoms of millions may begin to be protected was the hope of those in Paris and throughout the world on Saturday.

“I think people are demonstrating that there’s no room for hatred, intolerance and terror in the world today. I’d like to believe that this can be a new beginning for peace and acceptance, and even though that’s unlikely, I believe that it’s important to remain optimistic when looking into the future.” said senior Edward Emmert.